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Electrolyte salts to replace sweat losses with Vitamins E AND C.
An aniseed flavoured supplement for compensation of electrolyte loss in cases of heavy sweating.
Equi-Lyte G stimulates horses to drink, which helps avoid dehydration and helps maintain hard working muscles in top condition.
Increases in physical and psychological demands due to training, racing, transportation, climate and sickness create the greatest need for supplementation. Horses may even suppress their thirst in colder weather.
Regular supplementation during training will avoid progressive depletion of these nutrients.
To avoid excessive thirst during training, salts lost through sweat should be replenished post-exercise.
Mix straight with the feed or if preferred, a small solution can be made with fresh drinking water and administered orally with a dosing syringe.
Daily requirements may be divided between feeds.
Horses, which are supplemented, should have free access to fresh drinking water.