
Horse Rugs
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Numnahs & Pads
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Horse wear can often be the most expensive items you’ll buy for your horse. We believe if you purchase quality products you’ll buy once, buy cheap and you’ll buy twice, which is why at Old Mill Saddlery we provide our customers with the highest quality products at very competitive prices. Within our extensive range, we carry grooming products, various types of horse boots, numnahs and saddle cloths, rugs, clippers, supplements and care products as well as all aspects of tack.
On our website you’ll find the most prestigious of equestrian brands including Albion, Prestige, Freejump, Horseware, Schockemohle and many, many more. Our friendly team have an extensive knowledge of horses and are always happy to help and provide knowledgeable advice. Buy online on our website and we can deliver your order worldwide. Shop with us now.