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Everything You Need To Know About Hoof Supplements

You've heard the saying "No Hoof, No Horse" so it's no surprise that hoof care is a vital aspect in caring for your horse. Hooves play a pivotal role in a horse's mobility, stability, and overall soundness.

A horse's entire body weight is supported by its hooves, making them susceptible to wear, tear, and various conditions. Dry and brittle hooves, cracks, and lameness issues can significantly impact a horse's performance, making it crucial to prioritise hoof care.

Hoof supplements are specially formulated nutritional blends designed to promote and support optimal hoof health. These supplements aim to provide essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that may be lacking in a horse's regular diet. By addressing nutritional gaps, hoof supplements contribute to the strength, flexibility, and overall integrity of the hooves.

The key ingredients in hoof supplements include:


A water-soluble B-vitamin, biotin is a fundamental component in hoof supplements. It plays a vital role in the production of keratin, a protein that constitutes a significant portion of the hoof structure. Omega Equine Biotin Extra is a popular choice of Biotin supplement.

Zinc and Copper‌

These minerals are essential for collagen formation, which is crucial for maintaining the elasticity of the hooves. Global Herbs Hoof boasts a powerful combination of nutrients including Zinc and Copper, to encourage strong hoof growth. Hoof supplements aid in the prevention of common hoof issues and promoting optimal hoof health. By prioritising hoof care, you can contribute to the longevity and well-being of your horse.

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